jueves, 16 de abril de 2009

An appreciation of "truth"

I think Geoffrey Chaucer called "truth" to his poem because he thought that people need to be conscious about what are the real things that happen to them. When he says “greed entails to hate” he may refers that bad actions with end in bad consequences. Many times people do actions that bring unfortunate consequences for others, this way the affected people create resentment to the ones who acted in a bad way.
I would say a religious implication in this poem may be that people need to be in the right side of the track in the sense that they need to do well in order not to injure others.
I think we should think about it for a while and reflect about the times we have made something just in our favor and knowing that this "something" hurted someone else. This is the thuth, a truth that conect us with the reality and make us think about what do or did.

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