martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

Little Frank!

After reading this book, what called my attention the most was the discrimination that it has behind. In the moment that Frankie was born, the society immediately started to highlight his differences. It is very unfair that people judge others just by their characteristics. It is common to see people making fun of others, but the problem with these actions is that they do not know the way their “victims” may feel.
I am not sure about others countries, but at least in our reality people use to make fun of others without any consideration.
Nowadays, there is a definition called bullying that deals with problems; especially at schools. Every day children are more and more disrespectful with other kids. They embarrass them because of any feature they have. These features may be considered as “not common” by their classmates and this characteristic is enough to start bothering his/her.
I strongly believe that parents and teachers should work to eliminate these actions, because they are starting to be more common day after day.

1 comentario:

Clau dijo...

How would you relate bullying to the creature's life?
If Doctor Frankenstein was playing a role that was against nature (to give life to something death) and religions, did he disserve the suffering junior put him through? Why?

Take care,
